A graduate testifies:
Hang moved us a lot when we saw her last time for the TÊT 2021 festival. We wanted to share her story with you.
Good morning !
My name is Hang. I have been sponsored since 2008 - I was 11 years old then - and the Association followed and supported me during my years of middle school, high school and then during my university studies. I have always been a good student. During the last distribution of Tet gift packages, I had the pleasure and pride to announce that my studies in psychology and pedagogy were completed and that I had found a job.
as a school teacher. I am really happy and I couldn't hold back from shedding a few tears because without the help of my various godmothers, I would never have been able to get to where I am now!
When the Association entered our lives, my mother and I were really in poverty. My mother always worked hard to ensure that we had enough to survive and worked at odd jobs and yet her health was very fragile. Today I pay tribute to him;for all these efforts. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
Later, I hope to be able to undertake new training in education
specialized because I want to work with autistic children. Vietnam has
great needs in terms of special education.